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Vivek Padman

Maharashtra, India


Data Science


VIVEK PRASHANT PADMAN's skills align with IT R&D Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). VIVEK also has skills associated with System Developers and Analysts (Information and Communication Technology). VIVEK PRASHANT PADMAN appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 3 years of experience.
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Work Experience

AI research engineer

Accubits Technologies
March 2023 - Present
  • Worked on research based product development project which included latest papers on RL, generative AI and architecture development Algorithms and papers used: PPO, reflexion, LLMs, RAG, GNNs, and other deep learning methodologies Successfully created a pipeline that fused LLMs and reinforcement learning to take actions in the environment

Fiver Freelancing (Reinforcement Learning)
June 2022 - March 2023
  • Worked on many reinforcement learning projects and coded most of the algorithms like SARSA, Q-learning, Deep Q learning and policy gradient methods from scratch Working on coding snake AI using different deep reinforcement learning algorithms like A2C, DQN

Junior Data Scientist

Zummit Infolabs
January 2022 - June 2022
  • Worked full time on machine/deep learning projects and data analysis. Used GANs and object detections algorithms for the same Completed a traffic sign detection project using YOLOv4 and German traffic sign dataset, successfully deploying it with tf Worked on various small projects like Deep Fake and hair style suggestion using GAN's in pytorch

full time member

June 2019 - July 2020
  • of the electronics team [national ROBOCON competition 2020, E-Yantra competition 2020- 2021] - worked on two wheel self-balancing robot which was controlled with AI Worked as a mentor for new recruits in the robotics workshop (considered part time internship) Successfully led the e-yantra project and developed a custom SLAM algorithm in gazebo ROS