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Shawn Fitzpatrick

VA, United States
Database Management
Shawn M. Fitzpatrick's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Shawn also has skills associated with System Developers and Analysts (Information and Communication Technology). Shawn M. Fitzpatrick has 26 years of work experience, with 21 years of management experience, including a high-level position.
Work Experience

Embedded Analyst Program - Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Data and Analytic Solutions, Inc
June 2023 - December 2023
  • Senior Software Engineer * Implemented new Price and Margin Alert process for Division of Clearing and Risk (DCR). * The Price and Margin Alert process implemented new business rules, integrated a larger price data source from a third-party provider (Global Risk) and integrated Part39 data. * Utilized SAS and SQL Server to implement new data pipeline for ETL process. * Modified MicroStrategy dashboard which displays near real-time price and margin data. * Utilized SAS Enterprise Guide to schedule jobs.

Embedded Analyst Program - Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Oasis Systems
June 2022 - June 2023
  • Senior Software Engineer * Upgraded existing Global Risk Dashboard from Python 3.7 to 3.8 including upgrades for Python libraries such as DASH and pandas for the Division of Clearing and Risk (DCR). * Migrated DASH 1.0 components to Dash 2.0. * Worked with Order Book team to debug Python issues implementing Datashader library.

Senior Software Engineer

September 2021 - April 2022
  • Wargaming and Analysis Center Hive Analytics - United States Marine Corps (USMC) Senior Software Engineer * Implemented Python and Python libraries to implement business and data processing functionality. * Utilized Docker containers to package application components and deploy Docker containers to Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2). * Led development effort to integrate Hive system with external components (simulation systems) in building data pipelines supporting both real-time and post game analytics. * Utilized Kafka/Zookeeper to subscribe to real-time JSON input streams for analytics processing. * Prototyped chart/visualizations using Apache Vue, Plotly, and Jupyter Notebook. * Performed data analysis, query refinement, visualization prototyping using Apache Superset and Jupyter Notebook. * Established Ubuntu development environment on Windows 10 pc. * Utilized docker-compose to install docker and other utilities from github in environment. * Configured AWS development integration test environment utilizing aws configure. * Utilized Portainer to manage containers in development, test, and production environments.

Software Engineer

VMD System Integrators, Inc
February 2021 - September 2021
  • * Performed data analysis/modification for production systems. * Coordinated Oracle 19c and Data at Rest initiatives between WSS team and other teams.

Mongo Express, SAS Enterprise Guide

Microstrategy Web, Apache VUE, Amazon QuickSight
January 2013 - December 2013
  • Plotly, Microsoft Power BI, SAP Business Objects XI, Crystal 2013 Software Design -, Microsoft Visio Database - SQL Server 2014, Amazon RedShift, SAS, Oracle 8.1.7, PostgreSQL 13.5, PostGIS 13-3.1, MongoDB 5.0, SQLAlchemy 1.4.32, Sqlite 3.38.2 Database Tools - Microsoft T-SQL, Oracle Sql*Plus, Oracle PL/SQL, Quest TOAD, PGAdmin, Mongo Express, SAS Enterprise Guide 8.1 Project Mangement - Jira, Confluence, Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Project Server Database Design - Quest ERwin, Oracle Designer, Sybase PowerDesigner, Embarcadero ER/Studio Operating Systems - Microsoft Windows 10, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Ubuntu 20.04, VMware Horizon Configuration Management - git/github, Bitbucket, Microsoft Visual Source Safe, Azure DevOps Security - Security+ certified

Team Lead / Software Engineer

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
July 2009 - February 2021
  • * Developed queries/database objects to respond to data calls for FERC business needs. * Utilized SQL Server to analyze and develop database objects supporting reports.

Enterprise Architecture Pilot Program

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
April 2007 - July 2009
  • Software Engineer * Designed OLTP database for Market Based Rates project. * Responsible for adding functionality to C# migration routine which transferred data from XML file to SQL Server relational database. * Developed process and governance for project performance dashboard. * Developed hierarchical, detailed costing, and drill-down reports using Crystal to provide Enterprise Architecture (EA) information to FERC management.

Team Lead / Software Engineer

Oasis Systems
August 2004 - April 2007
  • * Utilized Visual Basic (VB6) to implement functionality changes in modules. * Analyzed and prototyped conversion of VB6 code to .NET.

Technical Lead / Project Manager

Titan Secure Solutions
February 2000 - June 2004
  • * Coordinated web application design and development and data management activities across team. * Utilized Oracle to analyze data, develop reports, and develop database objects.

Air Traffic Executive Information System (ATEIS)

Federal Aviation Administration
October 1997 - February 2000
  • Software Engineer * Designed, programmed, tested, installed, and supported VB data entry applications which stored their data to a Microsoft Access Database and the FAA National Data Warehouse in Oracle. KPMG Peat Marwick/RHI Consulting, Arlington VA 3-97-10/97: Chapter 1606 - Veterans Benefit Administration (VBA) Middleware/Backend Developer - * Designed/implemented business logic and database access in Tuxedo services written in C and Pro*C for this Three-Tier Client Server Application. Tools: Development Languages - Python, C#, C, C++, Java, Microsoft Visual Basic, JavaScript, HTML/CSS Development Tools - Visual Studio Code, Conda, SQLAlchemy, NGINX, Microsoft Visual Studio Python Libraries - Pandas, Dash, DataShader, HoloViews Data Analysis - Jupyter Notebook, Apache Superset, pandas, Microsoft Access Data Pipeline - Apache Kafka/Zookeeper/Nifi, Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Cloud Compute - Amazon Web Services, Amazon SageMaker Container/Container Tools - Docker, docker-compose, Portainer

Virginia Tech

B.S. in Computer Science