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Rajat Raina

Jammu, India


Machine Learning (ML)


RAJAT RAINA's skills align with IT R&D Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). RAJAT also has skills associated with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). RAJAT RAINA has 9 years of work experience.
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Work Experience

AI Architect

November 2023 - Present
  • Designed and developed a Document Comparison System specializing in Regulatory and Policy documents through the implementation of Semantic Chunking and Vector Search in Azure. Worked on analyzing the layout of regulatory documents to extract information in a structured format.

Senior NLP Engineer

Blenheim Chalcot
October 2021 - October 2023
  • Conceived and executed a cutting-edge Topic Extraction System for scientific papers utilizing Deep Learning and Knowledge Graph techniques. Built and launched a Semantic Search solution using Elasticsearch, a custom-trained Fasttext Embedding model on a dataset of 10 million data points using spacy. Collaborated with multiple startups to deliver customized NLP and ML solutions that addressed their unique business challenges. Developed customized conversational AI chatbots for various businesses, tailored to their unique needs and specifications using Python and Azure AI Services. Built NLP pipelines for text classification, named entity recognition and topic modeling using Spacy, Gensim, NLTK and Python. Utilized both Unsupervised and Supervised ML algorithms to optimize the functionality of Merchant Category Codes. Architected and launched a Student Success Chatbot solution with a Dialogue Manager using LLM models like GPT3, Vector database like Pinecone, BERT based models, and OpenAI Embeddings. Constructed and delivered an innovative chatbot for Documents-based QA using OpenAI Embeddings, GPTIndex, and Langchain. Deployed NLP/ML models on Sagemaker and EC2 via Docker for efficient and reliable performance. Established and Managed Airflow jobs to enable seamless MLops pipelines and text-to-vector transformations. Provided technical guidance to junior data scientists on computer vision and NLP techniques.

Data Scientist

Axis Bank
May 2021 - October 2021
  • Conceived and executed a Semi-Supervised Algorithm-based solution for Categorizing Legal Documents, aimed at highlighting potential risk factors. Built and deployed an Email Bot solution leveraging NLP, which responded quickly to incoming email leads and reduced customer support calls by 50%. Delivered Chatbot solutions to internal bank teams, effectively reducing the turnaround time for responding to customer queries.

Data Analyst (Python/ML)

July 2019 - May 2021
  • Implemented a bot for Reading Comprehension by Fine Tuning Pretrained NLP Models like Bert. Developed and Implemented computer vision models for Object Detection for Document Layout Analysis, to classify different segments in a Clinical Trial Document. Conducted Exploratory Data Analysis, Class Imbalance and Dimensionality Reduction while performing the Machine learning Algorithm. Deployed CV and NLP models in Kubernetes using Docker and GitLab MLops pipelines. Developed API's using Python Flask integrated with Swagger to interact with the ML models and XML files having large datasets. Deployed various NLP Models in Kubernetes using Docker and Gitlab pipelines. Collaborated with Senior Data Scientists on Text Analytics: Text Data Cleaning Methods, TF-IDF, Distance Measures in Text, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling (LDA), Named Entity Recognition, POS Tagging.

Automation Engineer

GEP Solutions
March 2015 - May 2019
  • Designed, developed and maintained Automated Regressions using Java and Selenium based on Work flow Documents. Analysed work flows and functional specifications to determine best approach for automating scripts. Developed performance work flow plans per customer requests. Built the performance testing scripts of GEP product modules like Contract, Supplier, P2P, RFx, Spend. Created Jenkins pipelines to trigger the scheduled run of Automation Work flow Scripts.


Liverpool John Moores University


Purdue University

Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Mumbai University