Nameer Khan
Delhi, India
Nameer Khan's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Nameer also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Nameer Khan appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 3 years of experience.
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Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Blackopal Technologies Pvt. Ltd
December 2022 - Present
- India Created a super app for Real Estate, with release date in June 2023. Integrating our • • Financial Teams Credit Engine for Proptech(NBFC). Backend Services on NestJs • • Frontend Web on NextJs • App on Flutter • Infrastructure on AWS (PostGIS as RDS, ElasticCache for Redis, ElasticSearch for • Property Searches, Services deployed on EC2 Instance) Primary focus on competing with big players in market like 99 Acres, Housing, Magic • • Bricks etc was to ensure customer privacy and integrate Draw on Map functionality for the first time in India 2. Major Features on App Created Map boundry and draw feature, which is first time in India, we drew • • inspiration from USA based Proptech platform Compass, and integrated here. Matchmaking algorithm to provide curated properties for end customer in a specific • • location Preference based Property search • • In App + GSM calling • Next Update includes Lead Marketplace • Next Update includes JustCreditz, which will integrate money lending system for • customers. Integrating a pool of data in a very clean UI for end customer, customer can search • • Government documents (RERA- Real Estate Regulatory Authority) on our platform, which is first time in India. Worked on scraping these documents from RERA website using Selenium for Python • • In App chat based system to connect customer and agents, which inlcuded blocks, • delete for all and me etc features as well. Customer Champion is a new innovative feature for the first time ever, where a new • • customer can connect with other customers who have already bought a property by paying a small amount. Customer PlayStore Link: •https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? • id=com.blackopal.justhomz Customer iOS store Link: •https://apps.apple.com/in/app/justhomz/id1659814024 Partner Playstore link: •https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? • id=com.blackopal.homzagent Partner iOS store link: •https://apps.apple.com/in/app/justhomz- • partner/id1660222218 3.NBFC Loan Management System Created Backend on Django as it was mathematically very heavy. With Redis for • • NoSQL data and MySQL as primary DB. Created Frontend Service on ReactJs •
Software Development Engineer, Park+
1.Fastag Recharge System
May 2022 - December 2022
- Created New Revamped Recharge Service for Park+ from scratch thus generating a • • revenue of $190,000 or ₹ 1.5 crore daily. Made the whole recharge service asynchronous with the help of Kafka, thus saving a • • lot of time in fulfilment and having a success rate of 99.7% Responsible for looking after the Recharge system of Park+ Fastag service. • 2.Alerting System for Fastag Service Created Alerting system for Issuance, Recharge and Passbook services for business • • team and tech team. Helped in taking appropriate action early thus saving a lot of revenue. Extensive use of Redis for quick data fetch at the time of API requests being hit to the • • respective banks and third parties. 3.Working on and owning Fastag passbook as a service Reduced KOTAK passbook data misses to end user, thus leading to less complaints • • reported by end user Reduced IDBI passbook data misses to end user by fixing the in place logic to • • completely bring down the user complaints reported. 4.Working towards new payments gateway Implementing a new payments gateway, which is quick and more reliable, thus • • increasing recharge success from 99.1% to 99.7%. Implementing new Recharge API for payments of IDFC to our system which helped to • • increase the speed of recharges of particular banks by 4 times. New logics were developed for this and implemented. Thus increasing the success • • rate along with speed. 5.Creating Car Comparison feature Worked and developed a new car comparison feature, which would let the end user • • to select from multiple various buckets of comparison, in a seamless manner. Created multiple buckets of comparison (8 buckets) and displayed it in the form of • • carousel, which the end user can select from and compare cars. End user can compare any variant of car 1 with respect to any variant of car 2. • Owning various service and responsible for looking after the pipelines of Fastag Service as whole, responsible for containers and pods, Consumers and Producers, Monitoring lags in production and so on.
Python Developer (TCS Digital)
Tata Consultancy Services
November 2020 - May 2022
- India Responsible for creating and writing scripts for Hybrid Cloud Environment and • • managing this environment for our clients. Focusing majorly on post provisioning Scripts on Python. Automating the Ticket Handling for Stolt Nielsen. • • Worked with clients to implement new features by creating RestAPI on my side on • Django. 2.Hewlett-Packard HCM At the end of my tenure worked with HP for their web crawling projects using • • Selenium on Python, Data pre-processing and cleaning using Pandas and Pyspark