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Juan Aguirre

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Juan Ignacio's skills align with Consultores e Especialistas (Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao (outro)). Juan also has skills associated with Programadores (Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao (outro)). Juan Ignacio has 11 years of work experience.
Work Experience


June 2023 - Present
  • Python b a ckend d evelop ment, dataa na lysis, cyb ersecurity.

Cybersecurity Engineer

Mercado Libre
September 2022 - June 2023
  • Imp rovements to the risk ma na g ement ecosystem of a p p lica tions d esig ned to a ssess, managea nd ca lcula te risks: Desig n a nd d evelop ment of APIs for the ma na g ement of cyb ersecurity controls. Desig n a nd d evelop ment of APIs for the ma na g ement a nd tra cking of cyb ersecurity a ssessments. Desig n a nd d evelop ment of a custom notifica tion p roxy, which wa s integ ra ted into ea ch microservice for send ing notifica tions a b out releva nt events throug h ema ils, Sla ck, a nd Workcha t. Use of hyb rid d a ta mod els (rela tiona l a nd key-va lue stores). Imp lementa tion of a n a synchronous communica tion system b etween ecosystem a p p lica tions using a p ub /sub mod el. Onb oa rd ing of new d evelop ers to the p roject.

Cybersecurity Analyst

Mercado Libre
March 2021 - September 2022
  • Desig n a nd imp lementa tion of a cyb ersecurity risk ma na g ement system ta ilored to the comp a ny's method olog y. Desig n of the rela tiona l d a ta mod el (MYSQL). Develop ment of RESTful APIs for service consump tion. Integ ra tions with frontend s a nd other APIs.

L1-L2 Support Technician

November 2017 - March 2021
  • Tech sup p ort for 17 comp a nies: Infra structure d ep loyment, ma intena nce a nd troub leshooting (Worksta tions, Servers). Networking setup, ma intena nce a nd troub leshooting


Wind ows
January 2012 - December 2016
  • Active d irectory, Office365.

Bachelor's Degree in Systems Analysis