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Faizan Ahmad

Punjab, Pakistan




FAIZA NAHMAD's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). FAIZA also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). FAIZA NAHMAD appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 4 years of experience.
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Work Experience

Software En
January 2023 - December 2023
  • gin eer Jan u ary 2023 - Presen t EmiratesPost - NGBS Key Respon sibilities: Spearh eaded fron t-en d developmen t for th e EPCon n ect application as th e sole fron t- en d developer, focu sin g on performan ce optimization, stru ctu ral en h an cemen ts, an d improved u ser in terface design Collaborated with th e Emirates Post Grou p, tailorin g th e EPCon n ect application to meet specific requ iremen ts an d en su rin g align men t with organ ization al goals. Utilized a tech stack comprisin g React, MUI (Material-UI), Redu x-Saga, Electron JS, an d Microsoft Azu re to implemen t cu ttin g-edge solu tion s an d elevate th e overall application fu n ction ality. Man aged th e h ybrid application arch itectu re, skillfu lly implemen tin g SQLite for efficien t data storage with in system files, con tribu tin g to a streamlin ed an d respon sive u ser experien ce. Demon strated adaptability an d problem-solvin g skills by addressin g ch allen ges in th e EPCon n ect application, resu ltin g in in creased stability, scalability, an d overall performan ce. Employed Electron JS to create a cross-platform desktop application, providin g u sers of th e EPCon n ect application with a con sisten t experien ce across differen t operatin g systems.

Tech Lead

Software En
September 2021 - December 2022
  •, Sillicon Valley Key Respon sibilities: Provide stron g tech n ical leadersh ip an d men torsh ip to th e developmen t team. Offer gu idan ce on arch itectu ral decision s, code reviews, an d best practices in both Fron ten d an d Backen d developmen t. Collaborate with stakeh olders to defin e project requ iremen ts an d create a compreh en sive project plan. En su re th at mileston es an d deadlin es are met, andthe project progresses smooth ly. Developin g an d main tain in g all server-side n etwork compon en ts. En force codin g stan dards an d best practices across th e developmen t team. Con du ct regu lar code reviews to main tain h igh -qu ality, clean, an d efficien t code. Design scalable, main tain able, an d efficien t software arch itectu re for both Fron ten d an d Backen d systems. Keep u p with th e latest tren ds an d best practices in software design to con tin u ou sly improve th e produ ct's arch itectu re. Respon sible for th e developmen t of a n ew h igh ly respon sive, web-based u ser in terface. Implemen t an d main tain CI/CD pipelin es to au tomate th e software delivery process, in clu din g au tomated testin g an d deploymen t to produ ction en viron men ts. Mon itor system performan ce an d take n ecessary action s to optimize respon se times an d resou rce u sage. Address secu rity con cern sandensurethe application is protected again st poten tial vu ln erabilities. Software En gin eer (MERN Stack) Ju n e 2020 - Au gu st 2021 Red Sign al, Lah ore Key Respon sibilities: Developmen t, testin g, an d deploymen t of n ew cu stom h ybrid mobile application s for iOS & An droid platforms. Experien ce with relation al databases an d/or NoSQL databases (Mon goDB, S3, etc.) Developin g an d main tain in g all server-side n etwork compon en ts. En su rin g optimal performan ce of th e cen tral database an d respon siven ess to fron t-en d requ ests. Recommen din g an d implemen tin g improvemen ts to processes an d tech n ologies. Respon sible for th e developmen tofanewh igh ly respon sive, web-based u ser in terface. Con stru ct visu alization s th at can depict vast amou n ts of data. Learn an d u n derstan d u ser in teraction s. Develop a flexible an d well-stru ctu red fron t-en d arch itectu re, alon g with th e APIs to su pport it.

Software En
June 2018 - May 2020
  • Emerssive, Lah ore Key Respon sibilities: Developin g fron t-en d website arch itectu re. Design in g u ser in teraction s on web pages. Developin g back-en d website application s. Creatin g servers an d databases for fu n ction ality. En su rin g cross-platform optimization for mobile ph on es. En su rin g respon siven ess of application s. Research an d developmen t on differen t aspects of AI Train in g an d testin g data on Tesseract Han dlin g requ iremen ts related to th e AI in clu din g work on OCRs, CCNs, NLP etc.


Forman Ch ristian College Lah ore
