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Dan Kalamaras

California, United States


Strategic Planning
Computer Information Systems
Information Technology infrastructure
IT Infrastructure Management
Non-Executive Director
Business Transformation
IT Management
Enterprise Transition
Transition Management
IT Strategy
Human Services
Board of Directors
Enterprise Risk Management
Supportive Services
Digital Strategy
Director Level
Executive Leadership


A seasoned C-Suite government executive with extensive leadership experience in Enterprise Health and Human Services information technology. Collaborative, innovative, results-driven delivery of Enterprise Health and Human Service Information Technology Development and Implementation, Project Portfolio Management, Stakeholder and Sponsor Management and Engagement, Leadership and Decisionmaking at an Executive, Director and Agency level. Deep expertise in managing large, medium, and small procurements and contracts with industry-leading vendors in single and multi-vendor engagements over the past 25 years. Extensive experience and background in Health and Human Service Automation and Program Operations, Health and Human Services Policy, and County and Statewide Automated Welfare Solutions across a Health and Human Services Portfolio. Strong ability to bridge the gap between Human Service Technology and Human Service Program Executives to deliver strategically aligned, helpful technology solutions to public-facing and end users of Human Service Information Technology Systems. Exceptional insight into Human Service Agency business needs, public assistance program requirements, agency risks, and the application of technology to solve agency problems while best-serving clients. Longstanding relationships within the health and human services space, nationally and locally, with vendors, contractors, and government entities at the state and federal levels.
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Appointed by Governor J. Brown, directed the Office of Systems Integration with a $2B budget, overseeing 350 staff, 400 contractors, and 2500 vendor staff. Managed major I.T. projects for California Health and Human Services, liaised with government and vendor leaders, and ensured successful project delivery, contract negotiations, and dispute resolution across a complex, regulated environment.
Appointed by WCDS CalWIN Board, served as Interim Executive Director with a $125M budget, overseeing 80 staff and 300 vendor staff. Directed WCDS, QA vendor (InfoSys), and prime vendor (DXC) for 18 counties. Collaborated with DXC, OSI, and SAWS leaders to plan CalSAWS migration strategy.

Work Experience

Chief Information Officer & Information Technology Director

City and County of San Francisco, Human Services Agency
January 2015 - Present
  • Managed a $25M budget, overseeing a division of 80 IT professionals supporting a Human Services Agency with 2,300 staff.
  • Supervised 9 direct reports and 7 managers across various IT subject areas.
  • Directed Digital Services, including intranet and internet web development, SharePoint, and application development.
  • Managed Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse creation and support.
  • Oversaw Infrastructure, Server, and Desktop Support, including server/cloud infrastructure, desktop equipment, and network support.
  • Led the CalWIN Service Desk and Analyst Team, providing CalWIN system support.
  • Acted as Chief Information Security Officer, focusing on HIPAA, Medi-Cal Privacy and Security, and policy support.
  • Managed Telecom and Help Desk services for 2,300 agency staff.

Owner & CEO

KHDK Consulting
July 2022 - Present
  • rovided strategic and advisory consulting to government entities and vendors on technology strategy and planning.
  • Advised C-Suite and executive leadership on enterprise procurement and systems integration at state and county levels.
  • Engaged with clients such as IBM, Civica (MDM), CalSAWS Consortium, Speridian Technologies, Business Advantage Consulting, Salesforce, OSAAS, and Quantum Consulting Services.


April 2018 - May 2022
  • Managed a $500M budget ($2B including vendor contracts) and led 350 staff, 400 contractors, and 2,500 vendor staff.
  • Appointed by Governor J. Brown as Director of the Office of Systems Integration (OSI), serving under two governors and reporting to the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency.
  • Directed OSI’s administration of the largest IT portfolio in California, overseeing a team of C-Suite executives and Deputy Directors.
  • Coordinated IT projects in collaboration with California Health and Human Services Agency partners, including departments such as Health Care Services, Social Services, and Public Health.
  • Engaged with leading vendors for project advancement, contract negotiations, procurements, and dispute resolution.
  • Acted as a neutral Project Management entity, managing relationships with County Welfare Directors, State Departments, legislative bodies, federal sponsors, advocacy lobbies, technology vendors, and national associations.
  • Oversaw major projects, including CalSAWS, CWS/CMS, CalHEERS, IHSS, EBT, EVV, WDTIP, SFIS, MEDS Modernization, Statewide Verification Hub, and E-POLST.

Executive Director

Welfare Client Data Systems (WCDS), CalWIN Consortium
January 2018 - April 2018
  • Managed a $125M budget with 9 direct reports, 80 staff, and 300 vendor staff as Interim Executive Director of WCDS.
  • Appointed by the WCDS CalWIN Board of Directors, marking a third executive tenure on loan from a CalWIN County.
  • Directed operations of WCDS, QA vendor (InfoSys), and prime vendor (DXC), supporting 18 California Counties within the WCDS CalWIN Consortium.
  • Reported to WCDS Co-Chairs and 18 County Welfare Directors, ensuring effective oversight and collaboration.
  • Coordinated with DXC Client Executive, OSI Executive Director, Deputy Director for SAWS, and Project Directors for C-IV, CalACES, and LRS to develop and execute the migration strategy for CalSAWS.

CalWIN Manager

Sacramento County
January 2005 - December 2014
  • Supervised 7 Senior I.T. Analysts and managed a bureau of 45 I.T. staff.
  • Oversaw DHA I.T. Account Management and Application Security Unit.
  • Directed Business Intelligence Executive Dashboard and Management Reporting Unit.
  • Managed Administrative Applications Unit.
  • Led CalWIN Service Desk and Help Desk Unit.
  • Supervised Internet, Intranet, and Social Media Unit.
  • Oversaw CalWIN, MEDS, EBT, and Business Systems Unit.
  • Directed Strategic Initiatives Unit.
  • Managed Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, and Management Reporting development and implementation.
  • Partnered with DHA Strategic Initiatives Division for Strategic Initiatives and I.T. Strategic Planning.
  • Managed custom in-house and vendor-developed applications development, maintenance, and operations.
  • Directed vendor application support, RFP, procurement, and installation.
  • Served as Chairperson.

Transition Manager

WCDS Consortium
March 2014 - December 2014
  • Managed a $25M budget and oversaw 320+ vendor staff.
  • Recruited to lead and manage the vendor contract transition for the WCDS Consortium of 18 Counties.
  • Served as WCDS Project Executive for transition activities, reporting to the WCDS Executive Director.
  • Provided project and portfolio oversight for transition and transformation activities.
  • Directed transition to new contract, including required products, services, and Service Level Agreements.
  • Managed and oversaw vendor implementation of strategic initiatives such as Business Intelligence, Rules Engine, and Integrated Document Management.
  • Collaborated with CalWIN Board of Directors to develop and implement the Strategic Plan and Strategic Priorities.
  • Maintained a comprehensive understanding of the operational and political environment of the WCDS Consortium.

CalWIN Reprocurement RFP Lead Evaluator and Steering Committee Member

Pilot County
January 2013 - December 2014
  • Served as Chief Information Security Officer for DHA, overseeing the implementation of the Medi-Cal Data Privacy and Security Agreement.
  • Developed a comprehensive Information Security Plan for DHA.
  • Chaired the development of the Business Intelligence Strategic Plan for WCDS, including RFP and requirements.
  • Created a SAWS Migration Strategic Plan for the DHA Director.

Information Technology Manager

County of Sacramento, Dept
November 2005 - March 2014
  • Managed a $15M budget and led a team of 45 staff, including 7 Senior IT Analysts and 38 IT Analysts.
  • Responsible for supporting technology systems and end users for the Dept. of Human Assistance, serving a staff of 2,500.
  • Oversaw Project and Portfolio Management for DHA I.T. Business Systems Support Bureau.

CalWIN IOC, WCDS Consortium
January 2010 - December 2011

WCDS Consortium
January 2008 - December 2009

Deputy Director, Implementation

Welfare Client Data Systems Consortium
December 2003 - November 2005
  • Led the WCDS Consortium as Deputy Director, managing a $35M budget with 18 staff and 3 direct reports.
  • Provided executive leadership for Implementation, Training, and Data Conversion teams.
  • Oversaw project and portfolio management for the CalWIN implementation effort.
  • Collaborated with County Welfare Directors, State Agency Executives, WCDS, and EDS Executives to strategize and coordinate CalWIN implementation.
  • Developed and managed pilot county criteria for implementation, reporting monthly to key stakeholders.
  • Directed successful CalWIN Go Live rollouts in participating counties.
  • Secured approval and funding for WCDS Implementation and Conversion strategy from the CalWIN Board and State Office of Systems Integration Executive Management Team.
  • Managed enterprise-wide data conversion, implementation, and training support for CalWIN counties.
  • Achieved a successful CalWIN Go Live for 30,000 end users and converted 2 million cases from legacy systems.

Senior Information Technology Analyst

County of Sacramento, Dept
August 2001 - November 2003
  • Managed a $3M budget with a team of 10 I.T. Analysts, all direct reports.
  • Supervised Case Data System Programming, Maintenance, and Operations on a mainframe.
  • Custom-developed software to meet DHA's specific requirements and business processes.
  • Served as a member of the Joint Committee, a governance workgroup for WCDS Consortium software design and prioritization.
  • Prepared for conversion from CDS to CalWIN with Test Conversion programming.
  • Managed migration to CalWIN, including developing Conversion test strategy and End-to-End test plans.
  • Coordinated with EDS and Deloitte project leads for Mock Go-Live events used by 16 other counties.
  • Acted as Sacramento County lead on the State of CA EBT Project.
  • Developed and implemented CalWIN migration plans and post-Go-Live Data Conversion Cleanup for DHA.
  • Implemented the State of CA EBT system for Sacramento County.
  • Served as Subject Matter Expert on State of CA EBT Procurement, representing the only county in CA using a cash EBT system.
  • Contributed to Joint Application Design teams for CalWIN design.

Information Technology Analyst

County of Sacramento, Dept
February 1998 - August 2001
  • Coordinated the Case Data System for DHA, supporting the issuance of public assistance benefits and tracking services.
  • Designed new software programs to meet public assistance changes and requirements.
  • Applied knowledge of public assistance program rules and regulations to software design.
  • Led the implementation of California’s first cash EBT system for Sacramento County’s General Assistance Program.
  • Implemented the CalWORKs Time On Aid System for CDS and DHA.
  • Contributed to the State of California EBT RFP Evaluation and Selection Team.
  • Participated in the CalWIN Joint Application Design teams for CalWIN design.
  • Directed the support team, providing system support to 1,500 end users of the Case Data System.

Administrative Aide

County of Sacramento, Board of Supervisors
November 1996 - February 1998
  • Served as one of two aides and political advisors to County Supervisor Dave Cox.
  • Interacted with Department Heads and Executives across County Departments on Board of Supervisors matters and 4th District constituents.
  • Provided extensive constituent support on behalf of Supervisor Cox.

Eligibility Supervisor

County of Sacramento, Board of Supervisors
May 1995 - November 1996
  • Supervised and led a team of 12 Eligibility Workers in the benefit issuance and administration of DHA public assistance programs, including CalWORKs (AFDC), CalFRESH (Food Stamps), Medi-Cal, and General Assistance.

Eligibility Worker

County of Sacramento, Board of Supervisors
July 1990 - May 1995
  • Administered public assistance programs and issued benefits, including AFDC, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, General Assistance, Child Care, Refugee Cash Assistance, and Inter-County Transfer.


California State University, Sacramento

Bachelor of Arts
September 1984 - May 1994
Major: Economics