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Anton Liubimov

Yerevan, Armenia


Data Science


LI UBIMOVANTON's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). LI also has skills associated with Sellers (Sales and Trading). LI UBIMOVANTON appears to be an entry-level candidate, with 5 months of experience.
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Work Experience


November 2023 - Present
  • In depen den tly developed an d deployed semi-au tomatic n eu ral n etwork-based (LSTM) tradin g strategies for sh ort term stock tradin g Sberban k | Sen ior Data Scien tist Sep 2020 - Nov 2023 (3 years 3 months) Sberban k is largest ru ssian ban k an d th ird biggest ban k in Eu rope with over 105m active retail clien ts, 1/3 of all ban k assets in Ru ssia an d $12.4 billion s of profit in 2021 Performed over 20 full cycles of data researches and over 60 ad hocs Working with product owner team increased overall issuance of credit card by 11.3% and loan portfolio by 15.7% in 2021 Decreased loyalty program's cost by $11m in 2022 Increased communication base of clients for core credit products by 0.9m yearly Successfully mentored 4 interns and junior employees Sberban k | Data En gin eer March 2020 - Sep 2020 (7 months) Bu ilt an d main tain ed ETL processes for sales of over 30 ban k produ cts in telemarketin g ch an n el (sales by teleph on e calls) for sales reports, fu rth er an alytics an d salary calcu lation for over 1000 employees Un ified data tran sfer process from mu ltiple ETL process an d data sou rces (Oracle, Teradata) to sin gle sch edu led pyth on script Parallelized telemarketin g sales calcu lation process in creasin g it's speed by 62% Sberban k | Data Scien tist March 2019 - March 2020 (1 year) Qu an titative an d qu alitive an alysis of retail ban kin g sector


Th e Ru ssian Presiden tial Academy of Nation al Econ omy an d Pu blic Admin istration

Master's degree
January 2018 - January 2020