Anas Shaikh
sindh, Pakistan
Anas Shaikh's skills align with Consultants and Specialists (Information and Communication Technology). Anas also has skills associated with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Anas Shaikh has 14 years of work experience.
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Work Experience
Senior DevOps Engineer, Cloud DevOps Team
February 2023 - Present
- Key Achievements/Responsibilities: • Wrote Terraform/Ansible scripts as IAC for automa7ng infrastructure provisioning using current cloud-na7ve security standards for customers within HealthCare and Oil/GAS sector • Architect, deploy and manage scalable cloud infrastructures for global video content delivery and also configured IP networking, VPN's, DNS, load balancing, and firewall • Created CI/CD scripts for building and deploying in different Kubernetes clusters based on AWS, AKS, and self-hosted • Saved 7me on delivering services to produc7on by automa7ng infrastructure via Terraform and crea7ng configura7ons for CI and CD using TravisCI, SonarQube, K8s and Ambassador • Architecture Migra7on of self-hosted applica7ons to Amazon Web Services cloud • Created dashboards that monitor statuses of services which give whole picture about system; 10 Grafana dashboards for monitoring services metrics and CI/CD pipelines using TravisCI, Jenkins for microservices • Used Agile project methodologies, suppor7ng effort es7ma7ons, leading spike ac7vi7es and showcase presenta7ons • Revamped the DevOps and infrastructure (automa7on using Jenkins + terraform, monitoring, logging and error tracking) • Used Jira for tracking progress on Projects and created SOP Documenta7on on Confluence for troubleshoo7ng issues within infrastructure and applica7ons
DevOps Engineer
July 2019 - February 2023
- (Contractor), Professional Services, Systems Engineering
July 2019 - February 2020
- UK Kaltura is the leading video platform powering any video experience for any organization Key Achievements: Wrote Automa7on scripts using Terraform to build Infrastructure on AWS to install Kaltura SaaS applica7ons running on the Cloud serving 10 thousand customers around the globe. One of the clients is CDC that has used the pla]orm for eradica7on of COVID 19 within the US (h_ps:// Responsibilities: • Used Terraform on AWS to build Infrastructure (EC2, EKS, VPC, Consul/Vault servers). Used AWS Route53 for DNS and S3 for Storage. Used eksctl to install EKS on AWS. Used Ansible to install Kubernetes for OnPrem/Cloud Customers. • Leading development and opera7ons process inside team. Improve automa7on on tests and simula7on on frameworks by using the DevOps Automated Methodology • Used Jenkins CI/CD tooling for building immutable infrastructure (IAAS) with the help of Terraform and applica7ons installa7on on via Ansible, Github used for private repos. Func7onal/Valida7on on tests are performed using pytest. Prometheus/Grafana are then installed via helm charts to monitor infrastructure/applica7ons. Jenkins pipelines used for implemen7ng and integra7ng con7nuous delivery. • Secrets Management through HashiCorp Vault • Tools: Git, Terraform, ArgoCD, Helm, Ansible, Kubernetes, HaProxy, Jenkins, Memcached, Kibana, RabbitMQ, Couchbase. • Technically lead on the design and implementa7on on of cloud infrastructures to ensure successful delivery of industry leading solu7ons • Used Percona tools to build master/slave replica on for MariaDB databases. Deployment of Monitoring system for applica7ons using ELK stack (Elas7csearch, Logstash and Kibana) • Define, create, maintain, and enhance systems procedures of Kaltura and documenta7on on to ensure the customer solu7ons and systems are fully documented • Drive adop7on on of key engineering Cloud Na7ve best prac7ces, suppor7ng team members to improve quality, efficiency and reliability of deliverables
DevOps Consultant
December 2018 - July 2019
- (Contractor), Webex Platform Cisco is the worldwide leader in IT, networking, and cybersecurity solutions. Key Achievements: Wrote Code using Terraform to build infrastructure and created Ansible playbooks to build produc7on grade 200 Kubernetes cluster with mul7ple Datacenter Consul and Vault Clusters used by 52k+ companies around the globe including U.S. Department of Defense Responsibilities: • Used Terraform to build Infrastructure (Kubernetes API/master/worker, Consul & Vault servers) in 4 regions using OpenStack. Used AWS Route53 for DNS and Ubuntu for OS • Tools: Ansible, Kubespray, Helm charts, Prometheus, Grafana, Jenkins, OpenStack, Vault, Consul, Terraform, Kubernetes, ELK and Kafka. Used Confluence and Jira for collaboration • Built IAAS (Infrastructure as a code) workflow/pipeline using Jenkins. 1) Pulling up code from Github private repo and building Infrastructure nodes using Terraform on OpenStack Platform 2) Ansible inventory is generated with the help of terraform state files 3) Ansible playbooks are run against Kubernetes/consul/vault roles 4) Prometheus/Grafana is installed using helm charts on Kubernetes cluster 5) Validation is performed against K8s/Consul/Vault/Prometheus/Grafana. • Created DevOps Automated Methodology for building IaaS and SaaS for building Cisco Webex application infrastructure • Created documentation on confluence for Consul/Vault Clusters. Led demos and presentations on Installing/Configure Consul/Vault Clusters using Ansible playbooks. Mentored and trained developers to use vault for pulling secrets from vault for their apps running inside Kubernetes clusters. Used Agile and Jira for contributing to the design and implementation on of the new WEBEX Kubernetes platform. Deployed Apache Kafka and ELK stack.
Contract DevOps Engineer, Interactive and Mobile Platform
September 2017 - December 2018
- A PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and SaaS (Software as a service) platform maintaining Sky's internet facing applications used by Sky HD/SKY Q/Sky News serving over 12 million customers. Key Achievements: Delivered an enterprise-wide standardized Kubernetes Clusters for Non-Produc7on and Produc7on Environment for SKY Q Responsibilities: • Orchestration of a new platform using Kubernetes Clusters. Building of Infrastructure (Monitoring, Kubernetes Nodes, Databases, etc.) using Terraform & VMware vSphere provider. Integrated Apache Kafka for Data Ingestion • Created Build/Release automation and CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins. 1) Building an application Docker image by pulling code from or Gitlab (internal), once the application is built, the docker image is pushed to the nexus repository 2) the Docker image is then deployed to the Kubernetes cluster using helm charts which creates a pod. 3) Secrets such as passwords are then pulled from vault and added to the init container 3) init container is destroyed and the final container is started • Tools: Terraform, Consul, Vault, Apache Kafka Repo: Nexus Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana Load Balancer: AVI, Palo Alto, F5 Networks
Build/IT Consultant
Walgreens Boots Alliance
September 2015 - September 2017
- (Contractor) One of the largest global pharmaceutical wholesaler and distribution networks with over 350* distribution centers delivering to more than 200,000+ pharmacies, doctors, health centers and hospitals each year in 19+ countries Key Achievements: Migra7on of SAP applica7on servers from RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 and wrote puppet manifests for deploying, configuring/managing SAP and SofwareAG Applica7ons Responsibilities: • Managing 1800+ REDHAT Enterprise Linux virtual machines • Deployment of Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm. Implemented a Con7nuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and Git, whenever a new git branch gets created, Jenkins automa7cally builds a new Docker container. Assist developers in deployment and applica7on troubleshoo7ng. • Transi7on of DEV/QA environment over to the Kubernetes containers • Used Pacemaker on REDHAT 7.3 for senng up SAP Central ABAP service Master/Slave rela7onship. Senng up Applica7on on/OS/DB backups using IBM Tivoli storage manager. Used ControlM for triggering and scheduling the backups. • Setup of SAP Oracle database backups using brtools. • Crea7ng/Cloning/Snapshot a virtual machine on Vmware as requested by project work. Expansion of physical/logical volumes (LVMS)
DevOps Engineer, Operations Engineering
March 2014 - September 2015
- A PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) platform specializing in maintaining Sky's internet-facing applications used by SkyTV/News/Broadband and other departments serving over 12 million customers. Key Achievements: Took ownership of technical issues and see them through to comple7on, this will ooen involve working on new possibly unfamiliar technology. Prevented a massive HTTP a_ack on Sky Internet facing applica7ons in less than 5 minutes Responsibilities: • Crea7ng/Cloning/Snapshot a virtual machine on Vmware as requested by project work. Expansion of physical/logical volumes (LVMS) System administra7on for 2000+ Centos/Debian Virtual machines using Vmware and 2000+ Physical Servers running on HP and Dell. Server configura7on management via Foreman. Configura7on and maintenance of applica7ons and infrastructure in the hybrid cloud environment using Bosh and Cloud foundry. Senng up SSL cer7ficates on F5 load balancers • Extensive puppet scrip7ng to provide build automa7on for around 2000 Ubuntu based virtual machines, hos7ng variety of sooware's including Apache, Nginx webservers, Tomcat App Servers, RabbitMQ, MYSQL, MongoDB • Used TCPDUMP to debug applica7ons on the network. Prevented and blocked HTTP/DDOS a_acks on sky Internet facing applica7ons. • Senng up Con7nuous build environments using svn, git, Hudson/Jenkins and Teamcity. This includes scoping and building these environments, providing applica7on build out with 'best prac7ce' guidelines, gran7ng access to individuals, applica7on deployment support and applica7on troubleshoo7ng • Deployment of Confluence, Git, Gitlab, DevpI (Python index repo) to be used by various development teams at BSKYB. Shipping, Processing and Indexes of applica7on logs using ELK (Elas7csearch, Logstash and Kibana) • Helping the DEV teams to determine the cause of memory leaks and also iden7fy bo_lenecks in their java based applica7ons by using AppDynamics
Linux System Administrator
May 2012 - March 2014
- A SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform specializing in ecommerce sites and transactions to the world leading retailers and brands than any other cloud (SaaS) commerce provider Key Achievements: Experience of hos7ng high profile traffic websites that make more than 10K+ transac7ons and 100 million hits every day while keeping an up7me of 99.9%. Elected for Venda Value award due to best performance. Provided a solu7on that helped to evade a massive outage Responsibilities: • System administra7on for 1000+ Centos/Debian Servers in a PCI-DSS Environment • Installing, configuring, managing load balancers, console servers and other network devices • Servers crea7on using XEN, KVM, and VMWARE ESX Virtualiza7on • Infrastructure includes hardware, opera7on systems, database management systems and security • Tools: Apache, MySQL, Memcached, CFengine, Puppet, mongo DB, puppet and AKAMAI • Suppor7ng incident management, problem management, root cause analysis, system maintenance, and performance tuning of the customer sites • Working closely with other IT departments to develop systems that will be implemented
Operations Engineer
April 2010 - March 2012
- A SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) provider specializing in development of proprietary ITSM (IT Service Management) software utilizing the ITIL Best Practices framework.