Ademola Balogun
Devon, United Kingdom
BALOGUN ADEMOLA's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). BALOGUN also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). BALOGUN ADEMOLA has 6 years of work experience.
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Work Experience
Frontend Developer
Sterlingtech and Data Sciences
October 2018 - Present
- * Developing and maintaining the frontend of a JavaScript-based web application using React. * Built and maintain an energy payment frontend code base. * Review and guide junior developers on code quality sessions * Resolve various production issues. * Transforming protype designs into responsive frontend designs. SKILLS GAINED DURING THE TIME FRAME Programming Languages * Javascript (React), Nodejs (Express), Python (Django) Technologies * HTML | CSS | JS | REACTJS | REACT-NATIVE|GRAPHQL | NEXT JS | REDUX |JEST| REST |GIT |WEB3| DJANGO REST FRAMEWORK | NODEJS |
Data Science Graduate Intern
Sterlingtech and Data Sciences
March 2019 - September 2019
- * Using python programming language to manipulate, extract and analyze data. * Querying data from different database sources and management systems. * Predicting data using machine learning. * Creating Api endpoints with Django Rest Framework. SKILLS GAINED DURING THE TIME FRAME Python | SQL | Pandas | Machine Learning | API development | GIT |