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Mohab Soliman

Lower Saxony, Germany




MOHAB SOLIMAN's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). MOHAB SOLIMAN appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 5 years of experience.
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Work Experience

Mobile Developer

January 2021 - Present
  • Successfully developed and maintained 5+ iOS and Android apps using SwiS, Kotlin, and FluYer. Collaborated with cross-funcRonal teams to define project requirements, resulRng in a 15% reducRon in development Rme. ParRcipated in Agile development processes, including sprint planning and daily stand-up meeRngs. Stayed updated on emerging mobile technologies, leading to the adopRon of innovaRve features and a 10% increase in app downloads. OpRmized apps, resulRng in a 25% improvement in performance and a 15% increase in user saRsfacRon. Troubleshooted and resolved soSware defects and issues, ensuring smooth applicaRon funcRonality.

Mobile Developer

January 2021 - January 2023
  • Spearheaded the development of two innovaRve apps, Config and User, uRlizing the FluYer framework, resulRng in a 20% increase in user engagement. Engineered and deployed impacUul features, amplifying individual coaching experiences and improving the workout journey for gym members, leading to a 15% boost in app retenRon. Pioneered the digiRzaRon of gym equipment, establishing a direct channel between coaches and members, fostering a seamless experience, and contribuRng to improved overall app funcRonality. Contributed significantly to the mobile app development process, emphasizing individual coaching and personalized gym journeys, resulRng in a 30% reducRon in user-reported issues. Executed the implementaRon of key features aimed at opRmizing member-coach interacRon, resulRng in a 25% increase in user saRsfacRon and posiRve feedback.

Mobile Developer

April 2022 - May 2022
  • Berlin Led the implementaRon of 10+ new features and responsive UIs, significantly enhancing user engagement. Applied Clean Architecture, Bloc, and Cubit methodologies to streamline data and funcRonality, improving app performance by 20%. Successfully integrated the frozen library, reducing state management complexiRes and enhancing codebase efficiency. Collaborated with a cross-funcRonal team of developers to achieve project compleRon 2 weeks ahead of schedule and 15% under budget. Demonstrated adaptability and problem-solving prowess in driving tangible results for mobile applicaRon development and opRmizaRon.

Mobile Developer

December 2019 - April 2021
  • New Mexico, United States Supervised the development and conRnuous maintenance of numerous mobile apps using FluYer and other state-of-theart technologies. Collaborated within a 10-member development team to ensure on-Rme and within-budget delivery of projects, resulRng in a 20% increase in client saRsfacRon. Demonstrated proficiency in developing and opRmizing applicaRons for both iOS and Android plaUorms, maximizing user reach and engagement. Engineered and seamlessly integrated APIs for efficient user role authenRcaRon across 15+ diverse projects. Consistently idenRfied and implemented innovaRve soluRons, contribuRng to the enhancement of overall project funcRonality and user experience.


Technische Universität Clausthal

Bachelor of Computer Science