Umut Aktas
Utrecht, Netherlands
Umu t Ak tas's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Umu also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Umu t Ak tas has 8 years of work experience, with 6 years of management experience, including a low-level position.
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Work Experience
Software Engineer
Aq uab attery
January 2022 - December 2023
- Lead the d evelo pment o f a cutting-ed ge d igital services so lutio n utilizing Waterfall metho d o lo gy. Develo p resilient and user-centric mo b ile so ftware so lutio ns utilizing the Flutter framewo rk. Mo tivate the team to d eliver exceptio nal perfo rmance and reliab ility. Implement the MVVM architectures to enhance Blo c and Pro vid e state management to achieve impro ved applicatio n stab ility and respo nsiveness. Implemented pair pro gramming techniq ues into o ur wo rkflo w, resulting in enhanced co d e q uality and pro mo ting effective kno wled ge sharing within the team. Utilized Git as a versio n co ntro l system to facilitate efficient co llab o ratio n and ensure the integrity ofcode. Implemented serverless o peratio ns using Go o gle Clo ud Functio ns, resulting in impro ved pro cess efficiency and enhanced scalab ility o f o ur applicatio ns. Demo nstrated the ab ility to successfully so lve co mplex tasks and pro b lems and utilized a d iverse range o f techno lo gies and techniq ues to achieve o ur pro ject o b jectives effectively.
Software Engineer
Aq uab attery
January 2022 - December 2022
- Develo ped efficient mo b ile so lutio ns within the d ynamic co ntext o f a rapid ly evo lving startup eco system. Designed respo nsive mo b ile applicatio ns using Flutter, with a fo cus o n d elivering an exceptio nal user experience and o ptimal perfo rmance. Implemented the Blo c architecture pro mo ting a structured and easily maintainab le state management so lutio n. Utilized Fireb ase as a ro b ust and scalab le b ackend infrastructure, resulting in significant impro vements to o ur d ata hand ling and sto rage capab ilities. Utilized Go o gle Clo ud Functio ns, enab ling o rganizatio ns to effectively hand le server-sid e o peratio ns, resulting in o ptimized wo rkflo ws and impro ved reso urce utilizatio n. Utilized Git as a co llab o rative toolfor versio n co ntro l, ensuring co d e co nsistency, and fo stering effective team co llab o ratio n.
Software Engineer
Flowise, Lond on
January 2021 - December 2022
- Develo ped a highly resilient and user-friend ly Flutter applicatio n that successfully ad hered to the client's specific req uirements. Develo ped highly efficient and user-centric Flutter applicatio ns specifically tailo red to meet the d iverse req uirements o f clients. Emplo yed Dart and Flutter to create flexib le cro ss-platfo rm mo b ile applicatio ns co mpatib le with b o th And ro id and iOS platfo rms, thereb y ensuring a wid e user b ase and expand ing market reach. Utilized Fireb ase as the primary clo ud service fo r o ur applicatio ns, includ ing utilizing functio nalities fo r user authenticatio n and real-time d atab ase management, guaranteeing secure access and d ynamic d ata interactio ns fo r o ur users.
Software Engineer
January 2021 - December 2022
- Develo ped fro nt-end applicatio ns while also o verseeing d ata science co mpo nents. Leveraged expertise in creating user-friend ly and highly respo nsive fro nt-end applicatio ns using the Flutter framewo rk. Utilized Fireb ase to o ptimize b ackend o peratio ns and d evelo p a flexib le and scalab le d ata-hand ling so lutio n. Utilized the po wer o f the Pro vid er architecture to ensure efficient state management within the applicatio ns, thereb y enhancing user engagement and facilitating a seamless user experience. Implemented serverless co mputing using Go o gle Clo ud Functio nstonoto nly o ptimize o peratio nal efficiency b ut also pro vid e enhanced flexib ility in reso urce utilizatio n and scalab ility. Deplo yed a Co ntinuo us Integratio n/Co ntinuo us Deplo yment (CI/CD) pro cess utilizing Do cker, resulting in red uced d eplo yment times and impro ved respo nsiveness o f the team to changes and upd ates.
Software Engineer/ Tutor
January 2021 - December 2021
- Served as a mento r, includ ing empo wering stud ents with essential self-o rganizatio n skills and acq uiring efficient wo rk enviro nments characterized b y lean principles. Intro d uced and instructed stud ents o n unit testing principles to emphasize the significance ofcode reliab ility and eq uip stud ents with the essential skills to pro ficiently write and execute tests. Cultivated a co llab o rative learning enviro nment b y implementing pair pro gramming techniq ues, fo stering teamwo rk, and enhancing pro b lem-so lving capab ilities amo ng stud ents. Co ached stud ents o n the principles o f self-o rganizatio n, aid ing in d evelo ping the necessary skills to effectively manage their tasks and respo nsib ilities within a lean wo rking enviro nment. Leveraged expertise in instructing ind ivid uals o n the implementatio n o f efficient Git practices, with a stro ng emphasis o n the significance o f versio n co ntro l within the realm o f so ftware d evelo pment. Demo nstrated the pro fo und impact that Git has o n facilitating co llab o rative effo rts and ensuring the integrity ofcode thro ugh co aching.
Project Manager
MAN (Sub ord inate of Volkswagen)
January 2016 - December 2021
- Develo ped d ata pipelines and held lead ership ro les in facilitating d esign thinking sessio ns and managing internatio nal teams. Oversaw reso urce allo catio n and co ntractual agreements fo r multiple custo mer d evelo pment pro jects, with a fo cus o n ensuring punctual d elivery and ad herence to specified req uirements. Facilitated d esign thinking sessio ns to fo ster the generatio n o f inno vative id eas and enhance pro d uct d esigns. Co nstructed resilient d ata pipelines and created pred ictive mo d els impro ving the pro d uctio n pro cess, resulting in enhanced efficiencies and o utco mes. Oversaw interd isciplinary internatio nal pro ject teams efficiently, pro mo ting effective cro ss-functio nal co llab o ratio n, and lead ing teams to successfully acco mplish pro ject o b jectives. Sup ervised a glo b ally d ispersed crisis reso lutio n team, effectively co o rd inating effo rts to ensure pro mpt reso lutio n o f critical situatio ns. Pro vid ing guid ance and suppo rt to junio r engineers, cultivating an enviro nment that pro mo tes co ntinuo us learning, and actively co ntrib uting to the pro fessio nal d evelo pment o f the team.
3D Design Software Engineer
MAN (Sub ord inate of Volkswagen)
January 2016 - December 2016
- Implemented auto matio n into the d esign pro cess b y utilizing C# and Visual Basic pro gramming languages. Utilized specialized so ftware and to o ls to create and co nceptualize three-d imensio nal mo d els and pro to types. Co llab o rated clo sely with cro ss-functio nal teams to effectively translate d esign co ncepts into co mprehensive plans and ensure a high level o f accuracy and precisio n in their wo rk. Co nd ucted ro utine q uality assessments and mo d ified d esigns to align with pro ject specificatio ns and req uirements. Intro d uced strategic mo d ificatio ns to the d esign pro cess, resulting in no tab le enhancements in b o th efficiency and accuracy. Enhanced pro d uctivity and efficiency b y o ptimizing the d esign pro cess, resulting in a significant red uctio n in the time req uired fo r no n-serial parts fro m five d ays to an impressive three minutes. Develo ped mathematical mo d els fo r each stand ard co mpo nent, thereb y d ecreasing human erro rs and yield ing superio r o utput q uality and heightened custo mer satisfactio n.