Emily Tomas Vialogo
MS, Brazil
EMILY TOMAS's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). EMILY also has skills associated with System Developers and Analysts (Information and Communication Technology). EMILY TOMAS appears to be an entry-level candidate, with 20 months of experience.
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Work Experience
January 2024 - Present
- - SALESFORCE (APEX - LWC - OMNISCRIPT - VLOCITY) → Sa lesforce Project - Ca ll Center Oi (Telecom comp a ny) - Service Cloud → Develop ment of V LOCITY comp onents - LWC/OMNISCRIPT/APEX → Ma intena nce of system end p oints using APEX REST. → Process a utoma tion with Flow. → Rep orts a nd Da shb oa rd s. → Config ura tion a nd SETUP of p roject environments. → GIT - AZURE for d ep loyment of d evelop ments. SALESFORCE DEV ELOPER TRAINEE - SALESFORCE (LWC - JAV ASCRIPT - APEX - ETL PENTAHO - SOQL) → 2 months of intensive tra ining on the Sa lesforce p la tform. → 6 months of exp erience in imp lementing Sa lesforce comp onents for Johnson&Johnson p rojects a nd solutions. PROGRAMMING LOGIC TEACHER FOR CHILDREN → Develop ment of a lesson p la n to tea ch p rog ra mming log icandba sic a lg orithms to child ren a g ed 5 to 7. Using toys Cub etto a nd Cod ip éia → Develop ment of a course q ua lifying other stud ents to tea ch a s well. @DEV ELOPERGIRLS_ → Project focused on women in Tech. → Org a nized a n in-p erson event (EN: Women Changing the World with Technolog y / PT: Mulheres q ue Mud a m o Mund o com a Tecnolog ia) with va rious tech-rela ted ta lks a nd d iscussions on the exp erience of b eing a woma n in IT. → The event is entirely org a nized b y women, a nd a ll ta lks a re g iven b y p rofessiona l women invited from a ll over Bra zil. → Ma na g ement a nd org a niza tion of the a nnua l in- p erson event.
June 2023 - Present