Renato Battaglia
São Paulo, Brazil
Renato Antonio Battaglia's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Renato also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Renato Antonio Battaglia has 35 years of work experience, with 4 years of management experience, including a low-level position.
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Work Experience
Senior Developer
BairesDev LLC
July 2020 - Present
- Client: A biological research image processing startup All work communication done in the English language Created a set of APIs (some RESTful) to enable on-device and remote-web-call integration with JaxaFX and web front ends Most APIs behave as micro-services Selectively moved legacy JEE application server functionalities into the new API(s) Created custom annotation-base import + validation infrastructure allowing easy expansion and modification of the data set being imported from JSON into Postgres Implemented multi-tasked, monitorable uploading of large files (> 5gb) to AWS- S3 buckets Maintained and upgraded legacy import of data + images to use import + validation infrastructure instead of directly writing to the relational database Sped up, and enhanced for lower memory consumption, math-heavy image processing routines, in pair-programming sessions with the subject matter specialist for image processing. Temporarily led a small team of 1 junior backend developer + 2 senior front-end developers (to make ends meet when migrating JSF/JEE legacy to Vue/Springboot) Worked directly with data-engineering team with the mission of tracking and, whenever possible, fix on my own performance bottlenecks in ETL/data pipelines Technologies used: Java 6 to Java 18; multithreading; TCP sockets servers; JPA; Hibernate; JOOQ; RabbitMQ; Kafka; micro-services; Springboot; Spring WebFlux / Reactor; Swagger; JavaFX desktop GUI (main client for WebFlux endpoints); Vue (Typescript, HTML, CSS, Axios, IndexedDB); JSF (PrimeFaces, Javascript)/JEE; Spring Batch; RDBMS PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle; Unit testing with Junit/Mockito and TestFX; Bash scripts; GIT; Maven; C; Python (Airflow, dbt, Terraform; Requests); AWS(S3 and Lambda); Docker; Kubernetes Senior Developer; Client: A market-leader provider of no-code data integration All work communication done in the English language Main maintainer of a Java/Swing (with a backend based on HyperV/Linux) nocode data integration application which is currently the main revenue generator for the client That application has several smaller modules to accomplish it goals, inclthat include being monitorable and hot-deployable-configurable in 2000+ customers (each with its own on-premise VMs) Maintained and evolved pre-existing code relying on Google Big Query Technologies: Java 8 and 17; Swing GUI; Springbatch; C; PERL; bash; MariaDB(SQL); Swagger; RMI; TCP-Sockets; Junit/Mockito; GIT; Ant Build; GCP; Big Query; Python (Flask, Requests, Pytest)
Senior developer
BRQ Digital Solutions
November 2019 - July 2020
- (client: Banco Bradesco, banking) Bug fixing (mostly) and feature implementation for a Currency Exchange software platform for a large Brazilian bank whose original implementing company left the project Platform was inherited by our team in a near(?)-completed state with several hundred bugs and non-conformities to be fixed, as well as dozens of features to be implemented Prioritized defects by technical and business impact along with business analysts and management Did root-cause analysis and systemic solution proposal / implementation when suitable Supported and mentored junior developers Technologies: Java 7 to 11, Hibernate, JSF, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Websphere Liberty; GIT
IT Analyst
ZUP Innovation
April 2019 - August 2019
- Support, analysis and programming; end-user support for CMS "Oracle Web Center Sites"; evolutive and regulatory maintenance for legacy web-app (www.santander.com.br non-logged-in) Did corrective and evolutive maintenance of www.santander.com.br Did scope and deadline negotiation Sped up from 10 hours to 10 minutes the deployment to Websphere of www.santander.com.br (non-logged in area) More of a public relations achievement than a technical stunt, since the fix turned out to be simple and would have made several areas look bad for prior slowness unless properly negotiated Technologies: Java 6 to 8; Rational Team Concert/RTC; Eclipse, Rest/SOAP APIs; Jira; Jenkins; Jasper Reports; Ant/Maven; CMS/Oracle Web Center Sites; IBM Jazz; GIT
Java Analyst
Eel Ventures
November 2018 - March 2019
- Technical responsible for integration and testing between PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) system and other enterprise systems Short-term contract whose last goal, achieved, was to integrate PLM data with SAP with near real time speed Created a web application to manage, query and configure PLM data integrations Exposed HTTP API endpoints so other systems could query PLM integration state Integration with a few systems had to be done using UI automation tools, due to unavailability of developers to modify those systems Negotiated data integration needs among business and technical areas Technologies: Java 8, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, Maven, REST, Spring Batch , REST, SOAP, Selenium, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery; Ruby, Selenium, AutoIT, AutoHotKey, , GIT, PostgreSQL, Oracle PL/SQL
Tech lead & Test Automation developer
RSI Informática
December 2016 - October 2018
- Developed automated testes and a distributed test automation framework Due to hardware and software restrictions, framework was developed to allow scalability with only one demand: all nodes had to have read/write access to the same shared network folder Framework was technology agnostic: tests for web applications, native windows applications and legacy Java-Swing applications coexisted and were coordinated by the framework Distributed automation in a small set of hardware (20 desktop and/or Windows VMs plus 20 smartphones) achieved a 15 fold overall time reduction (from almost 4 days to 6 hours) That allowed QA professionals to run a much larger share of the automated tested before giving a version a Go / No-Go into production The distributed framework was my individual initiative and found little Led a team of 5 automated test developers into getting their tests compatible with Santander's quality standards and the automation framework Technologies: Bash, Ruby, Java, LeanFT, Swing, AutoHotKey/AutoIT, Cucumber/BDD, Selenium, Capybara, Site-Prism, Calabash, Appium, Postman, SoapUI, GIT
Tech lead & developer
November 2014 - November 2016
- Most work communication done in the English language Did high-impact evolutive and corrective maintenance on Panera Bread's BOH (back-of-house) system Did SQL/DML performance/plan analysis along with DBA team, always striving to preserve original code as much as possible (avoiding risky structural changes to huge SQL / DML). In most cases, trivial changes with occasional index creation / modification were enough to achieve desired goals. Was one of the 2 code reviewers for all development Introduced the use of UI automation tools for both black-box regression Introduced the usage of Excel spreadsheets and VBA as helper tools to match actual quarterly and yearly quantitative reports against predefined (parametrizable) expected values Technologies: Python, C, PostgreSQL, Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Less-CSS, RML-ReportLab, Bootstrap, Linux, Bash, Splunk
Senior technical support & developer
AGS Nasoft
September 2013 - September 2014
- Creatied and improved tools to automate tech support tasks of N2 support team Bash + Jython to start / stop / health-check Websphere servers Jsch to connect and run commands on multiple Linux hosts, mainly to start/stop DB2 database servers Automate collection, decompression and string search on thousands of log files (drastically reducing time that N3 developers took to obtain relevant logs) Among others Technologies: Websphere, Jython, Linux, Bash, Java, jsch, JSF, Primefaces
Senior developer
Convexity Financial Solutions
July 2010 - August 2013
- Did code review and acceptance of financial software implemented by third party contractors Developed mostly ETL applications to/from MySQL and Oracle databases Technologies: Java 6, C, Swing, MySQL, Oracle PL/SQL, PRO*C
Senior Java developer
July 2009 - May 2010
- Short term contract Did evolutive and corrective maintenance on Java-applet based ERP Technologies: Java 1.4, Swing, Applet, Oracle PL-SQL, PRO*C
Senior Java Developer
December 2005 - June 2009
- All work communication done in the English language Division: IBM AS/IGA, end-client was IBM Manufacturing Division, Burlington Created web-apps for MD / Semiconductor / Mask & Release / MaskHouse Technologies: Java 1.4 and 5, Struts, Websphere, DB2, CVS, Ant, WSAD, RSAD, Rational Team Concert, UML, SCRUM
Senior Java / C++ developer
January 2005 - December 2005
- All work communication done in the English language Division: Software Group Did evolutive maintenance of "Software Agent Process", which was shipped with thousands of AIX and Linux machines A mostly background job that monitored health and performance of hardware, automatically scheduling technical support calls, procedures and visits Technologies: Java (from 1.1 to 1.4), J2SE, RMI, C, C++, Unix-shell, Swing and text-based UIs, CMVC, CVS, Eclipse, WSAD, RSAD, Java and OS pthreads, RMI, TCP-Sockets
Java Developer
Zera Tecnologia
January 2004 - December 2004
- Developed a web application focused on production planning Individual contributor in a team with other 5 members Technologies: Java developer: Java 1.4, JMS, JSP, Struts, Oracle, Hibernate, UML
December 2002 - December 2003
- Developed server-side POS medical procedure / appointment authorization systems Technologies: Java, C, C++, TCP-Sockets, ISO-8583, DB2, Oracle, SQL, UML
Senior Developer
Open Concept
March 2000 - November 2002
- Developer EFT (eletronic funds transfer) transaction processing for the financial industry (HSBC, Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Banco Postal) Technologies: C, C++, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Unix, kSH, IST, ISO-8583, TCP-Sockets, Java / WEB (CGI and J2EE / Struts)
C Developer
December 1998 - February 2000
- Did software development focused on financial transaction authorization and fraud prevention Technologies: C, Unix, Sybase, SQL, ISO-8583, TCP Sockets
Computer programmer/developer
February 1989 - December 1998
- Technologies used: Clipper, C, SQL, Windows Win32, MFC, Borland C++, CORBA, zApp, among others.