Waleed Asghar
Please select, Pakistan
Wa leed Asgha r's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Wa also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Wa leed Asgha r has 9 years of work experience.
Work Experience
Avia La bs, Senior Softwa re Engineer | Ruby on Ra ils
May 2022 - Present
- 3rd pa rty APIs | Pa yment Integra tion Spea rhea ded the development a nd ma intena nce of dyna mic web • • a pplica tions a s a Senior Ruby on Ra ils Developer. Levera ged the strengths of Ruby on Ra ils a nd Rea ct JS for ba ckend • • a nd frontend development, respectively. Designed a nd built intera ctive user interfa ces with Rea ct JS, focusing • • on responsiveness a nd user experience optimiza tion. Implemented RESTful APIs to fa cilita te communica tion between the • • frontend a nd ba ckend systems, ensuring efficient da ta tra nsfer a nd a pplica tion performa nce. Utilized Redux for sta te ma na gement in Rea ct a pplica tions, ensuring • • efficient da ta flow a nd centra lized sta te ma na gement Test Applica tions for performa nce, responsiveness, a nd security to • • identify a nd fix bottlenecks a nd bugs. Furthermore, I a deptly integra ted third-pa rty APIs a nd services, • • a mplifying a pplica tion ca pa bilities with fea tures such a s sea mless pa yment ga tewa ys a nd sea mless socia l media integra tion.
May 2021 - April 2022
- Pla yed a pivota l role in the development of a cutting-edge web • • a pplica tion utilizing Ruby on Ra ils, thereby a cquiring pra ctica l proficiency with contempora ry web development tools a nd methodologies. Pa rticipa ted in da ily sta nd-up meetings a nd sprint pla nning sessions • • to coordina te ta sks a nd prioritize project delivera bles. Demonstra ted a deptness in troubleshooting a nd debugging issues • • a cross both frontend a nd ba ckend codeba ses, levera ging a dva nced tools such a s Chrome Developer Tools a nd Pry to swiftly identify a nd resolve cha llenges. Cha mpioned a culture of colla bora tion a nd excellence by conducting • • comprehensive code reviews a nd offering insightful feedba ck to tea m members, nurturing a n environment of continuous improvement a nd sha red success.
Ruby on Ra ils Developer | Ba ckend Engineer
Scope AR
March 2020 - April 2021
- NodeJS | NestJS | ExpressJS | RESTful APIs | MongoDB | PostgreSQL I ha ve worked on the ba ckend side in ra ils to API so tha t the mobile • • a pp ca n communica te with API for scena rio fetching a nd other things. I a lso worked on a ngula r JS for the front end of the a dmin a nd expert side to uploa d new scena rios a nd their AR ba sed video. Designed da ta ba se schema s a nd implemented ba ckend functiona lity • • using RoR, focusing on sca la bility, security, a nd performa nce optimiza tion. Implemented dyna mic da ta ba se schema s a nd ba ckend functiona lities • • within Ruby on Ra ils, Node.js, a nd NestJS, prioritizing sca la bility, security, a nd performa nce optimiza tion to a lign with evolving business requirements a nd industry best pra ctices. Also developed ba ckend functiona lities using NodeJS, fa cilita ting the • • a synchronous a nd event-driven na ture of the pla tform to ha ndle concurrent requests a nd optimize performa nce. Utilized Express.js, to build RESTful APIs a nd ha ndle routing, • • middlewa re integra tion, a nd request/response ha ndling efficiently. Implemented da ta persistence a nd stora ge solutions, utilizing • • da ta ba ses such a s MongoDB or PostgreSQL, a nd integra ting them with Node.js a nd Express.js ba ckend systems. Integra ted a uthentica tion a nd a uthoriza tion mecha nisms to control • • user a ccess a nd protect sensitive da ta, incorpora ting fea tures like OAuth a nd JWT tokens. Provided ongoing ma intena nce a nd support for deployed a pplica tions, • • a ddressing bug fixes, fea ture enha ncements, a nd performa nce optimiza tions a s needed.
Softwa re Engineer | Ba ckend Developer
A10 Networks
April 2019 - February 2020
- Contributed to the ba ckend development of the A-cloud a nd ELM • • projects a t A10 Networks. Worked on support tickets to a ddress customer-reported issues, • • providing timely resolutions a nd ensuring customer sa tisfa ction. A-cloud wa s a pla tform designed to genera te licenses for network • • devices with va rying network ba ndwidth ra nges, providing secure networking ca pa bilities. In the A-cloud project, I pla yed a significa nt role in implementing the • • license genera tion functiona lity, ensuring compa tibility with different network devices a nd ba ndwidth requirements. Worked on the ELM project, which involved developing a softwa re • • utility to insta ll the genera ted licenses in JSON forma t on network devices. Colla bora ted with the tea m to ensure sea mless integra tion of ELM • • with the network devices, ena bling controlled ba ndwidth usa ge a nd secure networking.
Full Sta ck Engineer
Sma rter Sorting
January 2018 - March 2019
- Sma rter Sorting is a purpose-driven compa ny committed to increa sing • • susta ina ble options for unsold or da ma ged products. Their cuttingedge ma chine lea rning technology ena bles cost-effective, complia nt decisions for a ll unsold products, a nd their process a dva nces a nd pa rtners' zero-wa ste goa ls. Within my role a s a full-sta ck developer a t Sma rter Sorting, I ha d the • • opportunity to contribute significa ntly to the development of the product cla ssifica tion fea tures a nd the Hermes pla tform. Specifica lly, I pla yed a key role in conducting thorough code reviews • • a nd performing comprehensive PR reviews. This involved meticulously exa mining the codeba se, identifying a rea s for improvement, a nd ensuring a dherence to best pra ctices a nd coding sta nda rds. By ma inta ining a rigorous review process, I helped to ma inta in code • • qua lity, minimize errors, a nd promote efficient colla bora tion within the development tea m. Through my experience a t Sma rter Sorting, I ga ined va lua ble insights • • into the complexities of susta ina ble options for unsold or da ma ged products.
Full Sta ck Engineer | RoR Developer | Rea ct
November 2016 - December 2017
- I ha ve experience a s a full-sta ck engineer working with Jess, a • • ma rketing a na lytics softwa re. My responsibilities included configuring the functiona lity of gems like • • up-events a nd up-billing to tra ck da ta a nd ma na ge pa yment processes. Prima rily focusing on Ra ils a nd Rea ct, I implemented new fea tures • • a nd a ddressed issues within the a pplica tion. Integra ted Gra phQL for efficient a nd flexible da ta retrieva l, ena bling • • frontend developers to fetch specific da ta requirements with reduced overhea d. Jess lets you know if your SEO, PPC, ema il, a nd socia l media • • ma rketing ca mpa igns a re genera ting qua lified lea ds a nd how much they cost, down to the keyword.
Dema nd Sphere, RoR Developer | Ra ils | JSON | PostgreSQL | AWS
I ha
May 2015 - October 2016
- ve worked in Dema nd Sphere on Ra ils a s a Full Sta ck Engineer. • • Moreover, my role wa s more focused on DevOps a nd Project Lea d. I've worked in different bra nches of Dema nd Sphere Agency a s a Full • • Sta ck Developer. Their product wa s purely built on ruby on ra ils a nd using a frontend • • with HTML, ha ml, sa ss, etc. 90% of the work wa s rela ted to scra ping a nd processing of JSON da ta We used AWS insta nces for processing a nd were using PostgreSQL • • a s a da ta ba se.