Vitalis Ibekwe
Lagos , Nigeria
VITALIS IBEKWE's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). VITALIS also has skills associated with Support Staff (Information and Communication Technology). VITALIS IBEKWE appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 3 years of experience.
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Work Experience
DevOp s Engineer
Arab Emirates
January 2023 - December 2023
- Presen t Un ited Arab Emirates • Remote Resp onsib ilities: Au tomate in frastru ctu re provision in g u sin g Terraform, implemen tin g In frastru ctu re as Code (IaC) prin ciples. Utilize Azu re DevOps to establish an d main tain robu st CI/CD pipelin es for deployin g application s wh ich redu ced code-produ ction time by 85%. Implemen t mon itorin g an d loggin g solu tion s to assess an d en h an ce application performan ce. Con tain erize ou r application s with Docker for con sisten t an d efficien t deploymen t. In tegrate secu rity best practices, in corporatin g vu ln erability scan ningand code an alysis in to developmen t workflows. Worked with 40+ in clu din g developers, data scien tists, project man agers, qu ality assu ran ce an alysts, bu sin ess developmen t man agers, an d oth er tech n ologists across mu ltiple bu sin ess u n its to deliver software with 99.9% u ptime. Led th e migration of Web APIs running on bare VMs to Azu re App Service an d con tain erized Web APIs running on bare VMs to Azu re Web Apps for Con tain ers, en h an cin g developer produ ctivity by 30%, an d improvin g server con solidation an d man agemen t by 45%. Optimize both application an d in frastru ctu re performan ce th rou gh con tin u ou s assessmen t an d improvemen t. Develop an d main tain compreh en sive docu men tation for con figu ration s an d processes. DevOp s Engineer Freelance(Fintech) • Contract Un ited States • Remote A chievements: Design ed an d implemen ted a h igh ly availabe an d scalable in frastru ctu re on AWS u sin g Terraform, Azu reDevOps, ECS an d Docker resu ltin g in a 99.99% u ptime. Man aged ECS clu sters for con tan ierized application an d services running with fargate. Developed, an d man aged in frastru ctu re u sin g Terraform to en su re con sisten cy an d reprodu cibility. Set u p an d optimized CI/CD pipelin es u sin g Azu reDevOps to au tomate software bu ilds, testin g, an d deploymen ts, resu ltin g in th e elimin ation of 70% of man u al work an d an escalation in work efficien cy. Trou blesh oot an d resolve system ou tages or performan ce impacts with in th e defin ed SLA boostin g cu stomer satisfaction by 25%. Collaborated with 3+ en gin eerin g teams in con tain erizin g application s an d man agin g th em at scale, en su rin g h igh availability an d resilien ce. Led th e migration of 5 major software systems, alon g with th eir data, from Legacy to New AWS accou n t, wh ich was completed with zero down time. Con figu red mon itorin g tools an d log man agemen t systems Datadog/Clou dWatch to gain in sigh ts in to system performan ce an d proactively trou blesh oot issu es with clou d resou rces an d application s. Implemen ted secu rity best practices, in clu din g access con trol, en cryption, an d vu ln erability scan n in g, to en su re th at in frastru ctu re an d application s were secu re an d complian t with in du stry stan dards. Wrote scripts an d au tomation workflows to simplify an d expedite repetitive tasks. Provided su pport to developmen t teams an d promptly resolved in frastru ctu re-related issu es, en su rin g min imal disru ption to operation s.
DevOp s Engineer
November 2022 - May 2023
- 7 mos Lagos State, Nigeria • Remote Activities: Design ed, implemen ted, an d main tain ed clou d-based arch itectu re on AWS an d Azu re. Worked with oth er en gin eers to developed au tomation scripts an d tools for provision in g, mon itorin g, an d man agin g in frastru ctu re an d application s. Mon itored an d optimized clou d in frastru ctu re for performan ce, secu rity, an d cost efficien cy. Provided su pport an d trou blesh ootin g for produ ction systems, improvin g u ptime an d availability by 20%. En su red secu rity an d complian ce of in frastru ctu re an d application s. Kept u p-to-date with th e latest clou d an d DevOps tech n ologies, tools, an d tren ds.
Sup p ort Engineer
April 2022 - February 2023
- 11 mos Lagos State, Nigeria • Remote Achievements: • Design ed an d implemen ted Microsoft clou d services (Azu re an d Microsoft 365) for clien ts, in clu din g: - Design ed h ybrid n etworkin g arch itectu re in Azu re - Deployed an d man aged Azu re Virtu al Mach in es - Provided private access to Azu re services - Syn ch ron ized on -premises Active Directory to Microsoft Azu re with Azu re AD Con n ect - Design ed an d implemen ted core n etworkin g in frastru ctu re operation s arch itectu re - Con figu red an d provision ed mailboxes on Exch an ge On lin e from th e admin portal • Migrated mailboxes to Microsoft Exch an ge On lin e from oth er mail ven dors for 8 clien ts. • On boarded n ew employees on to Microsoft clou d services (Azu re an d Microsoft 365) • Led th e adoption an d ch an ge man agemen t team • Trou blesh oot an d resolved tech n ical issu es related to M365 clou d apps su ch as Teams, Sh arePoin t, On eDrive, an d Yammer for clien ts with in th e defin ed SLA boostin g cu stomer satisfaction by 34%.
Offered cross-platform tech n ical su pport
Microsoft Technical Sup
February 2021 - April 2022
- p ort Ad vocate Tek-Exp erts - Lagos, Nigeria. Feb.2021- April 2022 Lagos State, Nigeria • Hybrid Achievements: Acted as th e primary tech n ical con tact an d deliver advan ced tech n ical trou blesh ootin g skills in solvin g all Microsoft 365 office-related issu es with Ou tlook. Commu n icated tech n ical con cepts clearly to cu stomers via ph on e, email, an d on lin e ch at. Used trou blesh ootin g best practices to trou blesh oot an d resolve cu stomer tech n ical issu es. Offered cross-platform tech n ical su pport for Microsoft 365 across Win dows, Mac, an d mobile devices (An droid, iPh on e, Tablets, iPads). Acted as a Poin t of Con tact to oth er En gin eers on th e floor an d resolved more th an 2000 tickets with in a period of 1 year. En su re th at each ticket is h an dled as per ou r Service Level Agreemen t (SLA)andtotheh igh est possible cu stomer satisfaction (CSAT). Collaboratin g with Team leads, SMEs, an d oth er Teams for prompt resolu tion