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Roger Cuesta Vailles

Barcelona, Spain




Cuesta Vailles's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Cuesta also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Cuesta Vailles has 7 years of work experience.
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Work Experience

Flutter Developer

May 2023 - Present
  • Working with a well-structured project using Clean Architecture. Act. Work closely with the Project Manager when estimating new app features and also when talking with the client. Managing a small team.

Flutter Developer

January 2021 - Present
  • May. Integration of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Widget Testing y GraphQL 2023 EndPoints Testing. Use of Semantics and other methods of the widgets for application accessibility. Status management with BloC.

Junior Flutter Developer

January 2018 - Present
  • Development of a multiplatform app from an iOS app using Flutter. Jul. 2019 Maintenance of a desktop software in C# for the synchronization of an invoice management software with PrestaShop. Projects: LoanBookings

Flutter Developer

January 2019 - Present
  • Jul Creating Android/iOS apps for local companies and startups using Flutter.

GoogleMaps, GetIt, Google SignIn, Facebook
January 2021 - December 2021
  • Data consumption with API Rest and GraphQL. Status management with Providers and GetX. Experience with packages such as: GoogleMaps, GetIt, Google SignIn, Facebook SignIn, NFC, among others. In adddition to implementing payment gateways with Stripe. Projects: Freshperts | FreshKM0 | CityXerpa.