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Neel Bhasin

Uttar Pradesh, India




Neel Bhasin's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Neel Bhasin appears to be a low-to-mid level candidate, with 4 years of experience.
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Work Experience

Engineering Manager

December 2023 - Present
  • Halodoc is a secure health-tech platform with a mission to simplify access to healthcare by connecting millions of patients with licensed doctors, insurance, labs, and pharmacies in one simple mobile application. Halodoc's innovative technology, nimble services, and patient focus enable a host of solutions including 24/7 doctor tele consultation via chat, voice or video; medicine purchase & delivery; lab services at home; and strong customer support. Man age a cross fu n ction al te am of 1 0 + e n gin e e rs to de live r in n ovative solu tion s th at drive bu sin e ss growth Workin g on AI base d produ cts for Cu stome r S e rvice u sin g Ope n AI. Develop and execute project plans, budgets, and timelines using agile methodologies. Collaborate with oth e r fu n ction al te ams to de fin e produ ct re qu ire me n ts, fe atu re s, andusere xpe rie n ce s. Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide coaching and feedback to team members. En su re code qu ality, scalability, an d main tain ability by con du ctin g code re vie ws an d imple me n tin g be st practice s. Work closely with senior leadership to align mobile app development with the company's strategic goals. Takin g care of te ch bran din g for th e compan y. Ye arly OKRs plan ningande xe cu tion Engineering Lead | Unacademy | Bengaluru, India April, 2 0 2 2 - Nov, 2 0 2 2 Unacademy is an online platform that makes both learning and teaching easy with its educational videos and lectures. Initially, it was founded in the year 2010 with videos streaming on YouTube, but it officially got launched in the year 2015. Leadandmen tor a te am of software e n gin e e rs to de live r h igh -qu ality software produ cts on time an d with in bu dge t. Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide coaching and feedback to team members. Worke d on Le arn e r an d Edu cator App as iOS De ve lope r an d Le adin g th e Mobile Te am. Identifying and fixing customer facing issues with quick resolution. Following extensive Unit Testable approach with TDD. Te ch n ologie s: S wift, Obje ctive -C, Re act Native, Javascript Senior Software Engineer | DreamSports | Mumbai, India April, 2 0 1 9 - De c, 2 0 2 1 DreamSports is a leading sports platform based in India that allows users to play fantasy cricket, hockey, football, kabaddi and basketball. It also provides Live Scores, Live Video Streaming through Fancode App. In April 2019, Dream11 became the first Indian gaming company to enter the 'Unicorn Club'. Also Fancode App lists in Top 10 sports apps in India. Man age d a te am of 8 de ve lope rs an d ove rsaw th e de ve lopme n t of software application s from in ce ption to completion. Also was taking performance reviews and growth of team members for the last 1 year. Led daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, and retrospectives using agile methodologies. Worke d on F an Code, a sports con tentand live stre amin g app. Worke d an d Bu ild Vide o S DK for iOS Native. Also cre ate d Re act Native Wrappe r for th e same Workin g as a software de ve lope r with day to day de ve lopme n t an d re le ase le ad. Identifying and fixing customer facing issues with quick resolution. Following extensive Unit Testable approach with TDD. Te ch n ologie s: S wift, Obje ctive -C, Re act Native, Type script, Graph QL

Senior Mobile Developer

May 2018 - December 2018
  • BirdEye is the all-in-one customer experience software: Online Reviews, Social, Surveys, Insights, Reputation. Worke d on BirdEye iOS App De ve lope d an d main tain e d iOS Apps for th e compan y. Also de ve lope dthe ChatS DK. Man age d th e iOS teamandledthenew in itiative s. Working closely with the product management team to solve customers problems. Technologies: S wift, Obje ctive -C Senior iOS Developer | SmartWorks | Gurugram, India Mar, 2 0 1 7 to Apr, 2 0 1 8 SmartWorks is Co-working business center and commercial real estate company Worke d on S martworks iOS App, VMS iPad App De ve lope d an d main tain e d iOS Apps for th e compan y. Man age d th e iOS teamandledthenew in itiative s. Day to day task assign me n t to te am me mbe rs an d coordin ation with th e produ ct man age me n t te am Technologies: S wift, Obje ctive -C

Senior Software Engineer

July 2014 - March 2017
  • Snapdeal is an Indian e-commerce company based in New Delhi, India.As of 2014, Snapdeal had 3,00,000 sellers, over 3 crore (30 million) products across 800+ diverse categories from over 1,25,000 regional, national, and international brands and retailers and a reach of 4,000 towns and cities across the country. Worke d on S n apde al iOS App, Win dows Ph on e App Handling tasks with complete ownership. Ne w fe atu re de ve lopme n t on iOS. Code an d Platform le ve l De sign Addin g n e w fe atu re s as re qu ire dtothe Sn apde al Win dows Ph on e App. Code re factorin g an d de ve lopme ntofnew fe atu re s as we ll. De live re d an d le adin g proje ct till re le ase In te gration of th e payme n t gate way to th e Clie n t's We bsite Technologies: Obje ctive -C, S wift, C#

Software Developer

PC Smart Care
June 2013 - July 2014
  • PC Smart Care is a KPO and solution provider for Software and Technical support Worked on PC Smart Cleaner, CRM (ASP.NET Based), Web Portal Develop and maintain new software applications. Worke d on de sign an d de ve lopme ntofthe we bsite s In te grate d payme n t gate way on th e we bsite Technologies: C#,, WPF, Javascript Software Developer | Micropack Industrial Instruments | Meerut, India Ju n e, 2 0 1 2 to Ju n e 2 0 1 3 Micropack In du strial In stru mentsisa in du strial automation and solution provider Worke d on Ve h icle Trackin g S yste m De ve lop software application s. Took part in le arn ingnewtechn ologie s. Technologies: C#,, Javascript, MySQL


MaharshiDayanand University
