Md Zaman
Maharashtra, India
Md Zaman's skills align with Consultants and Specialists (Information and Communication Technology). Md also has skills associated with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Md Zaman has 5 years of work experience.
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Work Experience
DevOps Engineer
RPS Services
June 2019 - Present
- Designed and implemented secure network architectures using AWS services, including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPN connections, and VPC Peering, to enhance organizational infrastructure security and connectivity. Python Script for Lambda Function to limit the bounce email to SES, used Firehouse, SES, S3, Athena, Lambda, IAM, DynamoDB. Build Terraform script to setup AWS infrastructure such as Launch template for EBS and User-data, auto scaling group, LB (target group and listener), EFS two mount, Secret Manager, Cloudwatch log group referred by Client VPC, Subnet. Ingress internal Load balancer using terraform. Implement CloudWatch Agent using SSM to get EC2 Standard metrics logs on AWS CloudWatch Metric. Deployed applications using AWS DevOps services such as codebuild, codedeploy, codepipeline, codestar, elasticbeanstalk, etc. Created Jenkins pipeline to automate the creation of multiple AWS accounts with all required resources of a project. Configured CloudTrail and Config using CloudFormation. Build Terraform script to setup aws infrastructure such as Launch template for EBS and User-data, auto scaling group, LB (target group and listener), EFS two mount, Secret Manager, Cloudwatch log group on referred by Client VPC, Subnet. Automated operational tasks and infra provisioning with Python and Shell scripting. Deployed and managed containerized applications using Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), optimizing orchestration to ensure eƧcient application scaling and management. Implement and configured ECR for container images which is accessible across multiple kubernetes clusters. Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation-using Jenkins along Shell scripts to automate routine jobs Implementing DevOps CI and CD process. Utilized Helm charts to eƧciently deploy and manage services within Kubernetes clusters, ensuring seamless automation and consistent configurations. Created Jenkins pipeline with custom parameters for Maven test. Created Jenkins pipeline to automate the creation of multiple AWS accounts with all required resources of a project. Design and develop highly available and scalable infrastructure on Kubernetes. Created Jenkins pipeline to deploy applications on Kubernetes. First Prize: Inter-school web designing competition conducted by Ballygunge Shiksha Sadan. First Prize: Inter-school web designing competition in Heritage.