Lucas Mendes
Paraná, Brazil
Lucas Mendes's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Lucas also has skills associated with System Developers and Analysts (Information and Communication Technology). Lucas Mendes has 6 years of work experience.
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Work Experience
Software engineer
January 2020 - August 2021
- MS1 Sistemas Working on the waiter's application for establishments such as restaurants and similar venues. Creation of an accounts receivable management application for both Android and iOS platforms using Flutter.
IT technician
Prefeitura municipal
January 2018 - January 2020
- Development of a system for managing local product purchases. User support. Support for municipal entities. Solid knowledge Retrofit / Volley / Api Rests Background Services / Workers Coroutines / RxJava / Kotlin Room / Sqlite / Realm LiveData Data Binding / View Binding Jetpack Compose / XML layout MVVM / MVP / MVI Life Cycle Location Services Activity / Fragments Navigation CameraX Java / Kotlin Stateless / Stateful Widgets Dio/ApiRests Dart MobX/GetX/Bloc Play Store publish App Store publish Firebase (general tools) C#/.Net RabbitMQ Docker CI/CD Git / Github / Gitlab Scrum / Kanban Unit tests Integration tests Instrumentation tests (Android)
Software engineer
August 2020 - Present
- Responsible for creating and validating software architecture designs for new initiatives and reviewing existing implementations. Development of features in the company's main Android application and active participation in the migration of the app to Flutter. Development of an application targeting a specific group of company clients in Flutter, catering to both Android and iOS platforms. Direct involvement in user retention initiatives such as WhatsApp offers, promotional campaigns, and product listings. Enhancement of the performance of already implemented features. Promotion of best practices and standardization within the application development industry.