Ever Favio Argollo Ticona
La Paz, Bolivia
Ever Favio Argollo Ticona's skills align with Consultants and Specialists (Information and Communication Technology). Ever also has skills associated with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Ever Favio Argollo Ticona has 6 years of work experience.
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Work Experience
Site Relia bility Engineer
August 2022 - August 2023
- Implementa tion of DevOps Culture a nd SRE best pra ctices to improve system uptime a nd reduce incident response time. Lea d incident response eǪorts during critica l outa ges a nd worked with globa l cross-functiona l tea ms to implement remedia tion pla ns.
Senior Solutions Architect
July 2021 - July 2022
- design a nd implement a utoma ted solutions a nd resilient infra structure in AWS cloud provider using terra form, a nsible a nd cloud na tive tools a cross a ll compa ny clients
January 2019 - June 2021
- Ma na ging a nd coordina ting tea ms to design, develop a nd deploy a utoma ted solutions in OnPremise Kubernetes environments in government entities of the Plurina tiona l Sta te of Bolivia
Cloud Development Engineer
October 2018 - December 2019
- Development, implementa tion a nd a dministra tion of serverless a rchitecture on Coxa uto.inc with Dyna moDB, la mbda functions a nd cloud ba sed tools in AWS. A.G.E.T.I.C.
DevOps Engineer
August 2023 - Present
- Implementa tion of DevOps methodologies a nd SRE best pra ctices a imed a t enha ncing system uptime a nd minimizing incident response times a cross a ll serverless IoT solutions implemented on AWS, bolstering the resilience of our systems, ensuring sea mless opera tions a nd minimizing disruptions to Telly services.