Courtney Dozier
Arizona, United States
Courtney Dozier's skills align with IT R&D Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). Courtney also has skills associated with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). Courtney Dozier appears to be an entry-level candidate, with 14 months of experience.
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Work Experience
Spherical Conformal Mapping
August 2023 - December 2023
- Interfaced with a halfedge data structure library in C++ to find a conformal mapping of a 3D brain object to a sphere • Computed the Gauss Map and performed gradient descent until the harmonic energy converged to a specified difference threshold Flies and Spiders Rollout | Python, PyTorch January 2023 - May 2023 • Implemented and compared multiagent rollout to ordinary rollout, to optimize the number of moves required for spiders to catch adversarial flies in an online grid world • Wrote tooling around the rollout algorithm implementations, to specify initial simulation parameters, choice of rollout implementations, and fly policies • Added visualization of the problem by creating an image grid using PyTorch Narrative Generation with Planning & LLMs | Python, Bash, PDDL, GPT-3 August 2022 - December 2022 • Transcribed natural-language folktales to a formal representation in PDDL • Constructed natural-language prompts from formal plan representations with varying descriptiveness using Python • Analyzed GPT-3 output from generated prompts, and quantified the impact of descriptiveness on output quality • Automated the process of plan generation, conversion, and analysis with Bash scripts
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Arizona State University
August 2022 - October 2022
- Course: CSE340 - Principles of Programming Languages • Held office hours and an exam review to help 150 students with lambda-calculus, operator precedence parsing, and syntax analysis • Explained challenging programming assignments to students and assisted with debugging small compilers Projects
Pacman Reinforcement Learning
August 2021 - December 2021
- Implemented 5 different Pacman agents using value iteration, asynchronous value iteration, prioritized sweeping value iteration, Q-learning, and approximate Q-learning
Game Enemy AI
August 2019 - December 2019
- • Worked with a team of 7 people to program 4 different AI enemies for a 2D rogue-like platformer game • Programmed an intelligent, difficult enemy utilizing the combination of arctan, Euclidean distance, and hovering mechanics