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Ashadullah Shawon

Dhaka, Bangladesh
The candidate's skills align with Programmers (Information and Communication Technology). The candidate also has skills associated with Web Professionals (Information and Communication Technology). The candidate has 5 years of work experience.
Work Experience

DevOps Engineer

ILink Digital
July 2022 - Present
  • Deployed ELK Stack in Kubernetes for Log Management: I have deployed Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack in a Kubernetes cluster for Log management of more than 100 microservices. The workflow of this ELK stack is Microservice Logs-Filebeat-Logstash-Elasticsearch-Kibana. ◦ Deployed full infrastructure in Azure for Microservice Architecture: I have deployed required scalable infrastructure like rabbitmq, redis, mongodb, azure kubernetes cluster, nginx-ingress, and application gateway in Azure to create a full infrastructure for microservice based application. ◦ Developed Kubernetes Configmap based configuration system for Microservices: I have decentralized all global configurations and public private certificates from all microservices to kubernetes configmap to ensure security and decentralization for sensitive configuration. ◦ Developed QA Automation pipelines: I developed QA automation pipelines to execute the several QA automation scripts to test the UI & API of the microservices. ◦ Added Canary deployment strategies in Kubernetes: I added canary deployment strategy in our QA environment for risk mitigation and rollback capability. ◦ Provided Oncall support to fix any issues: I provide oncall support to fix any pipeline failure issues, deployment issues, or cloud related issues.

DevOps Engineer

July 2020 - July 2022
  • Designed and developed microservice deployment architecture and infrastructure on Azure: I designed and developed production grade, scalable, highly available, and secure microservice deployment architecture and infrastructure on Azure. The container and orchestration platform of frontend (Angular) and Backend (.Net core) microservices were docker and kubernetes. ◦ Developed CI/CD architecture and pipelines on Azure: I developed the CI/CD architecture and pipelines for existing microservices with versioning. The deployment environment was based on docker containers and kubernetes. I also decreased the build time by applying caching systems for docker images. ◦ Set up monitoring tool for all microservices: I set up grafana and prometheus for monitoring all microservices, triggering alerts for critical events, and ensuring 99.99% uptime for microservices ◦ Implemented branch based versioning system of microservices: As part of the current role, i implemented the versioning system and later according to requirements of software engineers, i upgraded the versioning system by adding branch based version feature. This feature helped the software engineers to keep the version locked in a particular branch and unlocked in the other branches. ◦ Setup a full cloud production environment: I setup a full cloud production environment from creating virtual network, subnet, application gateway to setting up azure kubernetes cluster, container registry, CI/CD pipelines etc. ◦ Developed terraform scripts to automate the infrastructure provision on Azure: Automated the infrastructure on Azure using Terraform and Terraform Cloud (CI/CD). Developed several terraform scripts to deploy VM, Kubernetes Cluster, Application Gateway on Azure using Terraform Cloud and GitOps (CI/CD) ◦ Added package managing system of deployed services: I have added package manager for all kinds of kubernetes deployments. I have used Helm package manager for our current microservices to easily install, delete, rollback, modify the microservices. ◦ Deployed microservices on AWS EC2, ECS, EKS and ElasticBeanStalk using Github Action: Deployed several web services and worker services on AWS EC2, ECS, EKS cluster and Elasticbeanstalk using Github Action. ◦ Migrated services from AWS to Azure: I was a part of AWS to Azure migration. I migrated some existing microservices, private nuget and npm servers, and some windows server based applications. ◦ Updated microservice routing architecture: I updated the existing microservice routing architecture which is from domain based routing to path based routing. This reduced the complexity of microservice routing.

Software Engineer

Frontier Semiconductor
February 2019 - July 2020
  • Developed silicon wafer map defect detection software: I used convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm to detect defect from silicon wafer map images using python ◦ Migrated a thickness measurement software from matlab to c++: I converted a thickness measurement software from matlab to c++. This task boosted my problem solving ability as i converted many built in algorithms of matlab to c++. Projects • Swiss Life Smart Fintech Management: This project is the most modern financial management for Switzerland based clients. This management system serves more than 100 financial clients with huge traffic and 50+ microservices. Technology Stack: Angular, .Net core, Mongodb, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, CI/CD, Prometheus • Amberg Loglay Logistic Automation: This automation project combine modern analytics and software engineering to develop and implement breakthrough solutions to manage construction logistics within the smart city. Latest cloud automation like auto scaling, infrastructure automation, Monitoring tools have been used in this project. Technology Stack: Angular, .Net core, Mongodb, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, Terraform, CI/CD, Grafana, Prometheus. • RuetOJ Online Judge System: RuetOJ ( is the first open source online judge for programming problem solving and contest management. I developed both the backend and frontend of this project. I also developed the required DevOps services for this project. I have also containerized this project and deployed it to kubernetes. Live on Kubernetes: Technology Stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, CI/CD • CI/CD with Docker and Kubernetes: This DevOps project contains a sample python flask app with Github action CI/CD pipelines. I used docker for containerization and Google Kubernetes Engine for deployments and orchestration. Github Link: • CI/CD with Azure Pipelines: I used Azure pipelines to deploy an angular application on azure kubernetes service. Github Link: • Terraform-Azure: Terraform-Azure ( is my open source project where i publish my own created terraform codes, modules for infrastructure automation of Azure. • Terraform-A WS: Terraform-AWS ( is my open source project where i publish my own created terraform codes, modules for infrastructure automation of AWS. • Monitoring Tool: I have customized a yml file that contains all kinds of configuration like kube metrics scrapping, custom cpu and memory allocation, email configuration for sending alerts, etc. of Grafana and Prometheus ( for monitoring all application in a kubernetes cluster. • Kubernetes Yamls: I have worked on different kinds of kubenrnetes projects like Horizonal and Vertical Autoscaling of pods, Kubernetes Dashboard, Nginx Ingress, Kubernetes operation shell scripts etc. • More Projects: Visit my Github profile for more projects.

Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology

March 2014 - November 2018